Ungating batteries and chargers by thefunnelguru

Ungating Batteries and Chargers on Amazon

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Amazon has restricted this category, Sellers need to Ungate Batteries and Chargers because most of these aren’t easily available offline. Online shopping or E-shopping has become much more convenient and reliable than physically purchasing anything. People prefer shopping online because it saves their time and energy and above all, the product is delivered right to their doorstep. Considering the early stages of online shopping there were limited sites that offered online shopping and only a considerable amount of products were found through online shopping. However, the situation is different from what it was previously. In recent times, it is possible to find everything and anything online right from clothes and accessories to electronics and gadgets.


Since electronics and gadgets are sold online, it is obvious that even batteries and chargers are sold. Talking about batteries, the ones that are sold on Amazon range from small batteries to heavy-duty batteries which can be used in motorbikes, cars, generators, and inverters. Simultaneously, buyers can find an apt charger for their phones, tablets, laptops and etc. However, selling electronics or electronic related products on Amazon comes with terms and conditions that ought to be followed by the sellers.


Batteries and Chargers are considered to be vulnerable and fragile for obvious reasons. Amazon deals with a wide variety of batteries that can be used for both small toys and huge industrial generators. Therefore, to ensure the safety of the buyers and to avoid fatal consequences from the purchase of faulty batteries or chargers, Amazon has restricted their sale.


Since batteries and chargers are among the ‘gated’ category, they are considered as highly remunerative business. But, in order to engage in this, sellers must first ‘ungate’ batteries and chargers on Amazon. Ungating these products must be done by following a set of procedures and most importantly by producing the necessary manufacturing details and documents to prove that the product is safe and authentic and thereby eventually get your category approved.

WHY TheFunnelGuru?

The journey to ungating your product might be difficult with all the tedious instructions and procedures. In order to help you out of this, TheFunnelGuru , a set of professionals renders their ungating services to the sellers. They lend a helping hand by checking all the necessary documents and information that you have and guide you step by step.

We are as ready as we will ever be!

For more info, click here

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